The 75/100 liner is widely used by poolmen. We used this type of liner in the construction and renovation of all our basins. This type of liner requires a careful and precise take of the coast.
This post is very important at the risk of having an oversized or undersized liner. It is desirable that the individual goes through a professional for this operation.
In almost all cases this type of liner is made to measure and remains in the prices of liners said "standard". However, it is important to ensure that the masonry is well made at the symmetry and regularity of the steps of the stairs that will receive the liner. Otherwise the manufacturer may increase the price of the liner because it would become out of standard.
We prepare all clean ponds for the reception of this membrane through the following steps
We intervene for the installation of liner in Toulouse Nord Nord-Est and south.
Laying of liner in Montastruc la Conseillère, Garidech, Gragnague, Bessières, Bazus, Azas, Montberon, Roqueserières, Gemil, Pechbonieu Saint Jean l'Herm, Verfeil, L'Union, Saint Jean, Rouffiac, Castelmaurou, Lapeyrouse Fossat, Balma, Toulouse
Our areas of intervention in the Tarn.
Saint-Sulpice-la-Pointe, Rabastens, Coufouleux, Lavaur, Giroussens